
Discover The Uniqueness of Bayung Gede (II)

Bayung Gede is the mother of Balinese ancient villages concealing many unique things. For those exceptionally different customs, this village located in Bangli regency is never missed by visitors who have insatiable hunger for Balinese ancient culture. On the previous article, it has been discussed about the unique customary leadership structure. On this piece of writing, other unique customs will be revealed.
Generally, Balinese people have a custom to bury the placenta of the babies. But, Bayung Gede community places placenta in a coconut shell and hang it up on a tree in the graveyard. It sounds terrifying spooky but this tradition is still going on for years and years since hundreds years ago.
Since hundreds years ago also in Bayung Gede there is a different burial system for female and male dead bodies. Female is the symbol of earth and male is the symbol of sky and so the burial position is exchanged. The female dead bodies are buried into usual upward position while the male bodies are laid facedown. These positions according to Wayan Suwela describe the meeting of the sky and the earth.
Besides the three unique traditions above, the decision to use Bayung Gede as a model of community – based tourism project has to do with another unique custom. In Bayung Gede, new married couples are forbidden to step into home yard. They are also not considered as the part of Bayung Gede community before giving tumbakan (sort of dowry) in the form of two cows to the village and fasting. Is that all? No. New married couples are obliged to do panyekeban procession (live in a separated place to become mature people) in a small hut far away from the center of the village.

This village whose people work mostly as farmers indeed does not have written customary law. People of Bayung Gede live based on the convention which still exists since years ago and this is a fact that they can be able to live peacefully using only the convention.



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